Autocad 2007 3d Drawing Tutorial

Tutorial AutoCad 2007 3D modeling
Auto cad


AutoCAD 2007

3D Modeling

Required Competencies

Before starting this tutorial, you should have been able to:

Use the 3D Modeling tools available in previous releases of AutoCAD

Use AutoCAD at an intermediate to a dvanced level

Manipulate the UCS

The new 3D modeling tools in AutoCAD 2007 allow you to model complex freeform shapes that previously were not possible to model in AutoCAD. This tutorial assumes that t he user is completely familiar with creating precise 2D sketches of arcs, lines, polylines, and splines in any location as well as the 3D tools from previous releases.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
3D Modeling Workspace

1 . The first thing I would do is turn off the grid. In almost 20 years of doing CAD I have not had anyone give me a convincing reason for using a grid except for a few narrowly defined cases. I consider the use of a grid the mark of an amateur. Notice that t here is a new tool in the tray marked DUCS. The Dynamic User Coordinate System will allow you to sketch on planar faces of solids without having to manually change the UCS.

I would also turn on the LWT lineweight and experiment with the Settings display scale to get a thickness you can easily see.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
Figure 1

2 . You may need to experiment with background settings to see you sketch linework.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
figure 2

3 . In the upper right hand corner of the screen you will find the new Dashboard .

4 . If you move the mouse to the gray b ar in each of the control panels a down pointing chevron will appear that will reveal more tools if you click on it.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
figure 4

5 . Right Mouse Button (RMB) click in one of the control panels of the D a s h bo ard and s et the visibility of the control panels as shown. Expand the 3D Make control panel. This will give you access to both t he 2D Draw and the 3D Make tools.

Figure 5

6 . In the lower right corner of the screen you will find the Tool Pallets. I prefer to have the Modify tab selected. (You should know how to customize the Tool Pallets from previous releases.) I prefer to have t he tool description text turned off and I have added a few tools that I use often, particularly Shell, which were left off of the Dashboard. Unfortunately, the Dashboard cannot be modified.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
figure 6

7. Open the file named Tutorial 1. Turn off all layers except the Polysolid layer and make the Polysolid layer the active layer. I have set the delobj = 0 that all entities will be preserved. Set the Visual Style to Realistic.

Select the Polysolid tool and RMB Select Object and click on the wireframe sketch.

Undo and then experiment with different settings for Justify, Width, and Height.

Select the Polysolid tool and RMB Select Width, experiment with the settings.

Select the Polysolid tool and RMB Select Height, experiment with the settings.

Select the Polysolid tool and RMB select Justify, experiment with the settings.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
figure 7

8 . You should be able to figure out how to use the se tools on your own. Pyramid is new.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 8

9 . Turn off all layers except the Extrude Surfaces layer and make it the active layer.

Select the Extrude tool and extrude the arc, polyline, spline a nd line as surfaces.

Surfaces in previous releases of AutoCAD were of limited value, but in Auto C AD 200 7 surfaces can be used to edit solids.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 9

10 . Turn off all layers except the PressPull layer and make it the active layer. Do a

List (li) on the entities a nd notice that there is a polyline, line, arc, and spline.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 10

11 . Select the Presspull tool (or hold Ctrl + Alt) and click inside the closed boundary and pull up a solid. In previ o us releases you would have had to have a closed polyline boundary to get somet hing similar.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 11

12 . Draw a circle on the face of the solid. (You might want to turn off osnap and s et your active color to something other than the solid color. (I will assume after this that you are an experienced 3D user and not bother you with the obvious.)

Notice that with the n ew Dynamic UCS that you did not have to reset your UCS

to the top of the solid to draw a circle on that face. Try drawing another circle on

one of the vertical planar faces.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 12

13 . Select the Presspull tool again and click in the circle and move the cursor below the solid to "press" a hole through the solid. Repeat for the circle on the vertical face. In previous releases you would have had to create a solid cylinder and then subtract. If you wanted to "match machine" drill through multiple parts you can use the Presspull tool multiple times and the individual parts will remain separate parts with m atching holes.

Figure 13

14 . Turn off all layers except the Revolved Surfaces layer and make it the active layer. Revolve the spline and arc about the vertical line as surfaces.

Figure 14

15 . Turn off all layers except the Sweep l ayer and make it the active layer. Start the Sweep command a nd select the green triangle as the object to sweep a nd the polyline rectangle as the path.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 15

16 . Start the Sweep command again a nd select the red semi‐circle as the object to sweep. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the top edge of the triangular profile solid as the sweep path. Undo this step.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
figure 16

17 . Type in the command XEDGES and select the swept triangular profile solid. The xedges command extracts the edges of a solid. Join the extracted top edges of the solid into a polyline. Sweep the s e mi‐circle along the joined polyline path.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 17

18 . Undo back to the xedges command. Notice that right angle of the swept triangle follows the rectangular path. Delete t he swept solid. Start the Sweep tool and select the red triangle as the sweep object and the rectangle as the sweep path. Change the Visual Style to 3D wireframe a nd notice that the rectangular path runs through the middle of the triangular profile. If the profile is not perpendicular to the path AutoCAD realigns the middle of the profile to the path. Therefore you may need to explicitly locate your sweep profile.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 18a

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
figure 18b

19 . Delete the solid. Type in the command UCS with the ZAxis and Object options and click on the e nd of t he 3D spline. Repeat the UCS with ZA and O options and click on the other end of the 3D spline. Repeat selecting different entities. In AutoCAD 2007 t he new ZAxis option for setting the UCS makes it very easy to set to a line, arc, polyline or spline end. Set the UCS back to World.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
Figure 19

20 . Sweep the red circle along the line, polyline rectangle, 2D spline, and the 3D spline. Undo and then sweep along the 3D spline using the Alignment, No options. Delete the solid.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 20

21 . Sweep the square tube region along the line as shown.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 21

22 . Sweep the region along the 3D spline path (this one may t a ke a few seconds to complete). Undo the sweep.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 22

23 . Sweep the region again this time using the Twist option and enter 2 7 0° as the twist angle.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 23

24 . Sweep the region along the rectangular polyline path .

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 24

25 . Sweep the blue line as a surface along the line path, rectangular polyline, 2D

polyline, and 3D polyline paths.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

26 . If you haven't already done so, e xp and the 3D Make control panel to reveal the new Helix command.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 26

27 . Turn off all layers except the Loft layer and make it the active layer.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 27

28 . Loft the line to the arc and the polyline rectangle to the circle. Experiment with the Loft Settings. After experimenting undo a nd Loft with t he Smooth Fit surface control.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 28

29 . Turn on the Loft with Guides layer and loft the polyline rectangle to the circle with the Guides option a nd select the 16 guides.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 29

30 . Examine the different results.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 30

31 . Turn on the Loft with Path layer and loft the circles and arcs along the arc paths.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 31

32 . Turn off all layers except the Planar Surface layer and ma ke it the active layer.

Select the P l anar Surface tool and choose the Object option and then click on the circle the polyline rectangle and all of the edges of the irregular shape comprised

of a polyline, arc, and spline.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 32

33 . If you haven't already done so, e xp and the 3D Make control panel to reveal the

Thicken Surface tool a nd use it to thicken the planar surfaces.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 33

34 . Draw some closed sha p es on t he thickened surface solids. With DUCS active you do not have to change ucs to planar faces.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
figure 34

35 . In AutoCAD 20 07 is no longer necessary to create a 3D solid to imprint on a planar face of another solid. Select the Imprint tool and imprint the planar closed boundaries on the planar faces. Use the Color Faces on the Solids Editing toolbar to change the face colors. Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 35

36 . I don't h a ve any examples for the Section Plane and the Flatshot tools at this

time. I use t he solview, soldraw, or solprof com mands to create 2D layout views. I guess if you wanted these views as modelspace blocks you might find t hese useful. I would be interested in hearing about your implementation of t hese

tools (please include dwg files if you contact me).

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 36

37 . Turn off the visibility of all of the layers except the Helix layer and make it the active layer.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 37

38 . Sweep the blue polyline rectangle along the helix and spiral paths. Experiment with the Helix tool to cre ate various helix/spiral curves.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling Figure 38

39 . Turn off all layers except the Slice layer and make it the active layer. If you examine the entities you will find a solid and two lofted surfaces.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling Figure 39

40 . Select the Slice tool and following the command prompts select the solid, then slice with Surface option, and finally the side of the solid to keep.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling Figure 40

41 . Repeat Slice for the other side and place the surfaces on the Hidden Surfaces layer. With combinations of extruded, revolved, planar, swept, and lofted surfaces used as Split tools complex freeform solid shapes can be modeled in AutoCAD 2007.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
figure 41

42 . I do not h a ve any uses for the Convert to Solids or Convert to Surfaces tools at this time.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 42

43 . Turn off all layers except the Ctrl Select layers a nd make it the active layer.

Experiment with selecting faces, edges, or vertices while holding the Ctrl key and

then editing the shape.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling

Figure 43

44 . You can also Thicken many surfaces to solids. Go back to the surfaces created earlier and try using the Thicken command. Experiment with different distances

– both neg a tive and positive.

Tutorial AutoCAD 2007 3D Modeling
figure 44

45 . Check the Help files for new information on the following System Variables or



3dalign vs align

solidhist legacyctrlpick

Shift + Spacebar cycle pick

To be continued..!


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